Linux Basic

2 min readDec 25, 2019


The Linux filesystem hierarchy follows the File hierarchy standard (2004). All directories serve a standard purpose. The following directories are explained with a short purpose of each.

/ base level

/bin system binaries

/boot boot loader

/dev hardware devices

/etc configuration files

/home user home

/lib system core libraries

/proc process info

/root root home

/sbin root binaries

/tmp temporary

/var variables … log files, mail files, temporal fies. Lots of i/o

/media removable media

/mnt mounted devices

/usr programs that are not essential to run are stored here



/usr/local local to system




The bin directory contains several useful commands for all users.


This directory contains everything required for the boot process except for configuration files not needed at boot time.


This directory contains files representing the attached onboard and peripheral hardware devices attached to the system.


This directory contains all configuration files related to system.


A specific home directory is assigned to each user in a multi user Linux environment.


initrd provides the capability to load a RAM disk by the boot loader.


This directory contains kernel modules and shared library images which are required to boot the system and run the commands in the root filesystem


In case of system crash or power failure the result of recovery operation will be placed in this directory.


This directory contains subdirectories which are used as mount points for removable media such as floppy disks, CDROMs and zip disks.


This directory usually contains mount points or sub-directories to mount the storage devices


This directory is reserved for all the software and add-on packages that are not part of the default installation.


This directory contains runtime system information e.g. system memory, devices mounted, hardware configuration, etc


This is the home directory of the System Administrator.


This directory contains programs related to system administration, maintenance and hardware configuration.


This directory contains user binaries, their documentation, libraries and header files,


This directory contains system logging files, mail and printer spool directories and temporary files.


This directory contains site-specific data served by the system.


This directory is used by many programs for temporary storage of data.



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